SML Self Awareness

Oaklands School Learner Qualities
Be Self Aware (Excellence Value): SML tasks

Be self aware
I know my learning goals.
I know how I learn best.
Think about and reflect on:
  • How have I been managing my time with completing my SML Tasks?
  • How well have I been completing them?
  • Have I been completing my MUST Dos each week?
  • Have I been organised enough to complete bonus tasks?

What is my learning goal? “To get all my SML tasks done and if i don't i have to work hard to finish them”  :)
WALT: manage my time well so I complete all my “MUST Do” SML Tasks each week
What has been going well?
Managing to do my best with my SML. It's fun to do them but sometimes I want them to stop using scratch because sometimes it’s distracting.

What have I been learning to do to get the tasks done?
By doing my best and just give it my all. Most of the time I don't get them done, but soon I hope I can.

Which tasks have I completed well?  Why?
Reading, writing and maths follow up tasks because I finish my learning that I have done in class.

Which tasks have been challenging?  Why? Mathletics because I have to do Kip McGrath homework.

What are some other bonus tasks I would like to do?
I like the bonus tasks I get given, so no changes. I don't usually get to the bonus tasks because I don't get all of my points. I want to get all my points so that I can try Scratch one day.

My next step is…….. To try my best and get them all done.

Athletics Reflection 2017

2017 Athletics Reflection

Write your reflection on your participation, effort and performance in the 2017 Athletics competitions.

You could reflect on these questions.

  1. How well did I use a growth mindset to stay positive when the competition got tough? Well I felt fine, no one was making fun of me no matter what i did. High Jump was the hardest for me but I just didn’t let it bother me that I did not make it over.
  2. Did I manage to achieve my athletics goals and why/why not? I did not, I was just a bit slower than I wanted to be. I did want to be better than last year, which was my goal.
  3. In what ways did I represent my House well in the competition? I tried my best no matter what people think of me. I got points for my house by joining in.
  4. What did I do well and how do I know? I know that I did well because I tried to not fail at High Jump. I did well because I kept on trying.
  5. What was challenging and how do I know? Sprints were challenging because I was against fast people. I tried my best at running.
  6. What am I most proud of and why? I am proud because I was not last like last year. I am also proud that I gave everything a go.

Start your writing here:

My favourite was discus because it was very fun and easy, that's why I liked it. I had to do lots of jumping, running and throwing. It was all really tiring, but really fun. We had different age groups, I was in the 11yr boys group with lots of my friends. The other groups were 10yr boy and 10yr girls, 11yr girls, 12/13yr boys and 12/13yr girls, 9yr boys and 9yr girls. So I really really liked it and no matter what happened i did not give up even if i failed or missed a jump in high jump i just would not give up and that's how me Athletics Reflection :D